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Tag: discord

How I can get channel members (

I need to get Only users of my channel, but I have not found a function that returns the desired result. There is a function to get all users of the bot: get_all_members(), but she’s not doing exactly what I need. I want get user nicknames. Help me find a solution to my problem. Answer Hm… I had this issue on_member_join not working, no error message

I am trying to make a discord bot with the library. The commands with the @client.command() decorator work fine for me, but none of the event ones that I tried work. I would expect this to output to the terminal or in the channel id I put in, but nothing appears, not even an error message. *I used client. REWRITE – How to make a Guild Invite

I am trying to make my bot create an invite This gives an error ‘bot’ object has no Attribute ‘create_invite’ I am using the Rewrite. Thanks in advance! Answer You’ll need to specify what you’re making the invite for, because the bot doesn’t currently have a target for the invite: References: TextChannel.create_invite() abc.GuildChannel – The general target that’s needed emoji all servers bot in

I have a bot that sends embeds that include emojis specific to each embed and it works great on my test server where I uploaded the emojis but they don’t show up on other servers since those servers don’t have the custom emoji. using: works of course for the server it’s in but is there a way to get and
