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Tag: editing channel by word that is in the name

I am making statistics bot, and i have a problem, with voice channel containing member count. I want to make bot update name of that channel, on_member_join, on_member_remove and when user use command refresh but i tried many times at different ways, and it stil don’t work, i want to make him edit channel that contains in name “Members:” but ping command doesn’t work in a cog

My ping command doesn’t work in a cog but works in my file. Here’s the code for the cog: When I run the ping command I get this error: Answer Simple solution, you added bot to your class object Misc as so when referring to bot.latency in that context you should actually be using

Client and Cogs in

I recently started trying to develop a discord bot. I’ve used c++ before, but it’s my first time using python so i’m still pretty new to it. After learning about cogs, i tried to implement it into the code. I made a simple cog that contains a ping command, but when i try to run it, i get an error get uses and author from an invite

I would like to get all the invites from a discord server. I get all the invite but I want to get the author and the uses from it. Everything works just fine except the guild.uses. Tried to embed the things from the discord API. “””From discord api Attribute & Method max_age abc.GuildChannel.invites(), Guild.invites() max_uses abc.GuildChannel.invites(), Guild.invites() created_at abc.GuildChannel.invites(),
