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Tag: dictionary

Extract first fields from struct columns into a dictionary

I need to create a dictionary from Spark dataframe’s schema of type pyspark.sql.types.StructType. The code needs to go through entire StructType, find only those StructField elements which are of type StructType and, when extracting into dictionary, use the name of parent StructField as key while value would be name of only the first nested/child StructField. Example schema (StructType): Desired result:

Merging values with a same key

Tried to google how to merge multiple dictionaries, but could not find a solution to merge values under same key in a dictionary. Although the original data is list, the expected results should be dictionary. I am stacked here, and hope someone show me a way to get resolve this. Original Data: Expected Results: Answer You can do this by

How to use a dictionary to modify an array in python

I am trying to use a dictionary (created by reading the content of a first file) to modify the content of an array(created by reading the content of a second file) in order to return as many modified arrays as their are keys in the dictionary with the modification corresponding the position and change in the original array indicated in
