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Tag: deep-learning

Can CNN do better than pretrained CNN?

With all I know. pretrained CNN can do way better than CNN. I have a dataset of 855 images. I have applied CNN and got 94% accuracy.Then I applied Pretrained model (VGG16, ResNet50, Inception_V3, MobileNet)also with fine tuning but still i got highest 60% and two of them are doing very bad on classification. Can CNN really do better than

How to reproduce the Bottleneck Blocks in Mobilenet V3 with Keras API?

Using Keras API, I am trying to write the MobilenetV3 as explained in this article: with the architecture as described in this picture: For that, I need to implement the bottloneck_blocks from the previous article See image for architecture: I managed to glue together the Initial and final Conv layers: Where the bottleneck_block is given in the next

Cannot use vggface-keras in Tensorflow 2.0

I am trying to use the keras-vggface library from to train a CNN. I have installed tensorflow 2.0.0-rc1, keras 2.3.1, cuda 10.1, cudnn 7.6.5 and the driver’s version is 418, the problem is that when i try to use the vggface model, as a convolutional base, i get an error, here is the code and the error Error! I

RuntimeError: Input type (torch.FloatTensor) and weight type (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) should be the same

This: Gives the error: RuntimeError: Input type (torch.FloatTensor) and weight type (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) should be the same Answer You get this error because your model is on the GPU, but your data is on the CPU. So, you need to send your input tensors to the GPU. Or like this, to stay consistent with the rest of your code: The same

Python 3 causes memory error at shuffle(X,Y) where X is 36000 3-channel images (36000, 256,256,3) and Y is 3-channel normal data (36000, 256,256,3)

Following image showing Memory Usage: Memory error occurs. I am using Numpy and Python3. I have two numpy arrays of shape (36000,256,256,3) each as X and Y and memory error occurs when I do following code. They are code to prepare training data. Is there another way to do it which uses lesser memory? This is my processor: IntelĀ® Xeon(R)
