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Tag: dataframe

How to get rid of the row numbers, to_csv?

after predicting the target value for the classification problem trying to get the predicted values in a .csv file along with the id of particular data instance but getting the unnecessary row numbers. x_test.head() image to.csv() image Answer You index=False , doc specifies this argument

Parsing nested JSON with list comprehension in Python

My data is as following (this just extract but there are much more objects, some don’t have the additionalData) I’m trying to iterate with list comprehension to get dataframe of referenceDataItems and everything within that key, also additionalData if appears. Expected result: Answer I did some research and this almost got my desired data, needs little modification in COLUMNS_TO_DROP

Two-point Euclidean distance from csv file

I want to calculate the distance between two points and label them. The problem is that the code doesn’t work on more than 1 line. When there is 1 row, the program shows me result which I want: This is an error when there is more than 1 line : “cannot convert the series to <class ‘float’>” This is my

Plotting graph from data frame

Plotting the graph for both South Asia and Eastern Asia using the above function is showing the same countries and same graphs .What mistake am I doing while writing the above code, I can’t figure that out? enter image description here Answer The problem is with your function. Remove the for loop and it should work
