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Tag: dataframe

Get the last day of a year

I have a pandas df with a year column. I want to get the last day of that year. For example: 2020 –> 2020/12/31 I tried: but I get this error: “cannot convert the series to <class ‘int’> ” What am I doing wrong? Thanks PS I realized I could just do: but I’m still wondering what was wrong in

perform df.loc to groupby df

I’ve a df consisted of person, origin and destination the df: I have grouped by the df with df_grouped = df.groupby([‘O’,’D’]) and match them with another dataframe, taxi. similarly, I group by the taxi with their O and D. Then I merged them after aggregating and counting the PersonID and TaxiID per O-D pair. I did it to see how

how to add a constant column to a dataframe without rows

I am trying to add a column with a constant value to a dataframe that does not have any rows. It appears this isn’t as easy as it would be if the rows were populated. How would one accomplish this? Should yield instead it yields Answer You can use .loc specifying the row index and column label, as follows: Result:

For doesn’t restart on dataframe in python

i need do read the rows of a dataframe but it seems to stop at the first row. I also tried with iterrows but the results are similar. and the outpus is : so the for doesn’t iterate. I hope someone can help me, thank you so much. Answer You are performing inside the loop. This breaks the loop on
