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Tag: dataframe

I want to add date range where value is True in pandas

Dt 1/2/21 2/2/21 3/2/21 4/2/21 5/2/21 6/2/21 7/2/21 Attendance(Expected output in python) san TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE 1/2/21 – 7/2/21 don TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE 1/2/21 -2/2/21,4/2/21-7/2/21 sam FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE 2/2/21 – 3/2/21,5/2/21-7/2/21 den FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE 3/2/21,5/2/21 – 6/2/21 I want to add Attendance

panda dataframe extracting values

I have a dataframe called “nums” and am trying to find the value of the column “angle” by specifying the values of other columns like this: When I do so, I do not get a singular number and cannot do calculations on them. What am I doing wrong? nums Answer First of all, in general you should use .loc rather

Dask Df convert All Dtype using dictionary

Is there an easy equivalent way to convert all columns in a dask df(converted from a pandas df) using a dictionary. I have a dictionary as follows: and would like to convert the pandas|dask df dtypes all at once to the suggested dtypes in the dictionary. Answer Not sure if I understand the question correctly, but the conversion of dtypes

Pandas dataframe: select list items in a column, then transform string on the items

One of the columns I’m importing into my dataframe is structured as a list. I need to pick out certain values from said list, transform the value and add it to one of two new columns in the dataframe. Before: Name Listed_Items Tom [“dr_md_coca_cola”, “dr_od_water”, “potatoes”, “grass”, “ot_other_stuff”] Steve [“dr_od_orange_juice”, “potatoes”, “grass”, “ot_other_stuff”, “dr_md_pepsi”] Phil [“dr_md_dr_pepper”, “potatoes”, “grass”, “dr_od_coffee”,”ot_other_stuff”] From

Aggregating Pandas DF – Losing Data

I’m trying to aggregate a pandas df in a way an excel pivot table would. I have one quantitative variable called “Count”. I would like the same qualitative variables to combine and the “Count” data to sum. However, when I am trying to do this with the below code, I see that I am somehow losing data. Any idea why

Parsing a Pandas Dataframe

I have a dataframe like this; Looking like this in Jupyter notebook output; I want to parse this table so that table name repeats with each field name and column counts remain the same such as the output dataframe will look like; I tried this code from a stackoverfow solution; But it did not work. In the solution; Unlist multiple
