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Tag: dataframe

Replacing None with a list within a dataframe

I have the below dataframe which comes from a JSON trying to format ready for db insertion, i am splitting using .tolist() but getting error for None entries. tried fillna and replace to insert a dummy list i.e. [0,0,0] but will only let me replace with a string. Any suggestions welcome. this works #df_split_batl = df_split_batl.fillna(‘xx’) #df_split_batl = df_split_batl.replace(‘xx’,’yy’) but

Pandas split list upon DataFrame creation

I have a JSON file coming in, which I am doing some operations/trimming on. The result looks like this: When applying df = pd.DataFrame(user, index=[0]) I get the following Dataframe: When applying df = pd.DataFrame(user) I get: I am aware, as to why that happens, however none is what I want. I’d like the following: However I am not sure

Not able to perform operations on resulting dataframe after “join” operation in PySpark

Here I have created three dataframes: df,rule_df and query_df. I’ve performed inner join on rule_df and query_df, and stored the resulting dataframe in join_df. However, when I try to simply print the columns of the join_df dataframe, I get the following error- The resultant dataframe is not behaving as one, I’m not able to perform any dataframe operations on it.

Is there any function to get multiple timeseries with .get and create a dataframe in Pandas?

I get multiple time series data in series format with datetimeindex, which I want to resample and convert to a dataframe with multiple columns with each column representing each time series. I am using separate functions to create the dataframe, for example, .get(), .resample(), pd.concat(). Since it is not following the DRY principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and I can be
