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Tag: csv

Reading csv file with partially variable name

I want to read a csv file into a data frame from a certain folder with pandas. This folder contains several csv files. They contain different information. The first part in the filename (1 – 8 is variable). I want to read it in the file which ends with ‘_Reference.csv’, but I have no clue how to manage it. I

Parse multiple line CSV using PySpark , Python or Shell

Input (2 columns) : Note: Harry and Prof. does not have starting quotes Output (2 columns) What I tried (PySpark) ? Issue The above code worked fine where multiline had both start and end double quotes (For eg: row starting with Ronald) But it didnt work with rows where we only have end quotes but no start quotes (like Harry

Optimal way to use multiprocessing for many files

So I have a large list of files that need to be processed into CSVs. Each file itself is quite large, and each line is a string. Each line of the files could represent one of three types of data, each of which is processed a bit differently. My current solution looks like the following: I iterate through the files,

Function failing to update spacing after comma

I have a csv file that has inconsistent spacing after the comma, like this: 534323, 93495443,34234234, 3523423423, 2342342,236555, 6564354344 I have written a function that tries to read in the file and makes the spacing consistent, but it doesn’t appear to update anything. After opening the new file created, there is no difference from the original. The function I’ve written

Python: convert dictionary into a cvs file

This is my current code: What I am trying to achieve is that the dictionary keys are turned into the csv headers and the values turned into the rows. But when running the code I get a TypeError: ‘string indices must be integers’ in line 21. Answer Problem The issue here is for row in data. This is actually iterating
