Main question I have the following short piece of legacy code that I am trying to port from Python (with just standard lib) to JavaScript – from the name of the methods I assume it creates a SHA-1 digest of the abc string I searched for how to do that in the browser in JS and found the following code
Tag: cryptography
Implementation of kleptography in Python (SETUP attack)
My task is to reproduce the plot below: It comes from this journal (pg 137-145) In this article, the authors describe a kleptographic attack called SETUP against Diffie-Hellman keys exchange. In particular, they write this algorithm: Now, in 2 the authors thought “Maybe we can implement honest DHKE and malicious DHKE, and then we compare the running time of the
AES encrypt in python decrypt in php
I am asking this because I don’t really know php but must to somehow manage with. I have encrypted data in python and need to decrypt in php (serversite). python encryption: this gives ‘rtVabOaDdf528T63xOhhww’ output, which is correctly AES encrypted. and php which encrypts and decrypts in other way: There is some issue with openssl_decrypt() function because of “iv”. Can
Fernet class encryption in python and decryption in java not working
I am trying to write a code for encryption in Python and decryption in Java but I am getting an error. I am using cryptography.fernet in python to encrypt a file and when I use Fernet Java for decryption it shows an error. Here is my python code: Here is my java code: The error in Java that I get
Sign a byte string with SHA256 in Python
Currently I have some code that signs a byte string with the SHA256 algorithm using the native OpenSSL binary, the code calls an external process, sends the parameters, and receive the result back into the Python code. The current code is as follows: When original_string is too big, I might have problems with the result (from the communication with an
Serializing and deserializing group elements in Charm-Crypto
I need help to convert the list representation (string) of elliptic curve pairing group element back to an object. Explanation: I am using charm crypto v0.43 to use CPABE scheme in my web application. I need to store the pairing element that is generated into my database. When I did that, it is storing it as list. I need to