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Tag: cron

crontab django Erorr

I’m trying to start simple crontab-django job scheduled (os is Ubuntu 20.04): this is the myapp/ file as mentioned in the documentation and this is the settings i used frm the documentation i keep getting this error even i tried to add python crontab add again and show and it appears python crontab add python crontab

Re-run a python script after a few days if it fails [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question Assuming a script fails and it is captured in a try catch how to run a python script again after a few days? I can

No module named certifi

When executing python3 (Python 3.6.8) script on a local directory, it works well, but when running sbatch job in slurm, complains about certifi. After adding to the python code this: or this: the same error occurs. It seems that certifi is installed. The error after running python code (without having the line ‘import certifi’ in python code): The error (with

How can I run task every 10 minutes on the 5s, using BlockingScheduler?

I’m trying to run a task every 10 minutes, on the 5’s, for example, at 13:15, 13:25, …. However, it is not working. This is only running once an hour, at the beginning of the hour, from 12 to 4pm. sched.add_job(run_batch, ‘cron’, day_of_week=’mon-fri’, hour=’12-16′, minute=’5,15,25,35,45,55′, timezone=’America/Chicago’) Answer The question title indicates that you are using the BlockingScheduler function of the

Running python script using a cron job

Ok so I am trying to run a python script every 3 hours using cron, but I think it’s not working. I know this because my script should produce some csv files and I cannot find them anywhere or the logs, plus my script is also reading from another file like (which I think is part of the issue): so
