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Tag: collision

How can a object detect the mouse in pygame

I have here the bubbles class and i want to do it that when you click a bubble it despawns but i dont know how the bubbles detect the mouse cursor and how the bubbles despawn. I already tried to add the mouse position function but I dont know hot to use it. And I searched on the Internet but

How can i collide with a 45 degree slope?

I have spent the past 3 days trying to understand this but with every article I have read and every youtube video I have watched I have failed to comprehend the concept. I have given this my best go at listening and reading from what I have seen online, before asking here. I just want one rectangle to go up

Pygame, Collision between 2 objects in the same group

So, i am trying to create a game where aliens spawn from 3 specific places. Each Alien will spawn randomly in one of the 3. But there will always be at least one alien, that will spawn on top of another one. I want to delete that alien and spawn him randomly in another spawn point. If it is empty
