I’m trying to make Choropleth Indonesia using Plotly, but I still confused about locationmode and geo_scope of Indonesia. How to figure it out? Answer plotly is packaged with country and US state geometry. If you want to have a choropleth of Indonesia showing different regions / provinces you need to supply the geojson In this example I have pretty much
Tag: choropleth
How to plot a Plotly Choropleth map with English local authorities using GeoJSON
I have copied the example from the Plotly guidance here. and I am able to reproduce their map of US Counties. Now I am trying to produce a similar Choropleth map, except using English Local Authorities. I have downloaded a GeoJSON for English Lower Tier Authorities from here.. This was huge resolution and slow to load, so I’ve compressed it
Problem with loading a json file for geo_data in python
I am currently trying to use folium library in python to create webmaps. I have a file world.json which contains geo_data. I have provided a link to the file at the end of this post. I tried the following code: and received the following error: How can I load this file? What I want to achieve is essentially obtain the