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Tag: celery

Celery is not loading tasks from one app out of five

I’m using autodiscover in my file for gathering tasks. Which up until a recently picked all of the up, I’m not sure why but my function are no longer being picked up, but all the other apps are. If I from “config.tasks import *” there are no errors and I can run the tasks manually through shell.

Run task from another periodic task with celery

I have periodic task which should trigger another task. Final expected behavior: first task should collect some data from external service and then loop over this data (list) and call another task with passing over argument (current iteration in loop). I want to have those tasks in loop being asynchronical. I wrote code that runs a task in period, but

When is on_failure called by celery when retrying

I’m using Task Inheritance in celery to retry (max_retries: 3) on certain exceptions, and log failures. Is on_failure called on each failed attempt or only after the last attempt (the 3rd in my case)? Answer Tested this and on_failure is only run after the retries have all failed. So, using the example given above, on_failure is called after the 3rd

How to hide Celery task id from structlog?

I used Structlog and Celery in my Django application and both work very well, but I would like to prevent task_id from appearing in the log when the worker executes tasks. How can I do that? The reason is that task_id is a key:value of 36 characters long so it makes log output hard to read. This is how my

in Celery/Django : cannot find reference ‘control’ in celery.task.control

I’m trying to use celery in my project. when I use from celery.task.control import revoke the PyCharm highlight control and warn me cannot find reference ‘control’ in and also PyCharm adds broken line under revoke and warn me Unresolved reference revoke. But when I run the project, celery is working great without any problem with calling tasks or revoking

How start celery worker in Django project

I have a Django project with the directory structure mentioned below. I am trying to use Celery for running tasks in the background. I have facing some trouble while running the worker. Whenever I issue the following command, I get an error. Command From the projectdirectory where resides ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘tasks’ From the projectdirectory where resides
