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Tag: brownie

Use external packages in eth-brownie?

I am trying open a ERC721 smart contract in Brownie on VSCode and loop through the token ids and set the URI of each in each iteration. I execute the script with brownie run scripts/parcel_asset/ I am trying to use an ODBC driver named pyodbc to query an Access database and create a cursor to iterate. It works fine when

ParserError: Source file requires different compiler version

I tried all that you mentioned in the discussion here (in other questions) and at , however it is not solving the issue for me, I also noticed that the current compiler version remains (current compiler is 0.6.12+commit.27d51765.Windows.msvc). But when I right click and select Solidty:Compiler information, it shows 0.8.0. from output: Not sure if that is related to
