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Tag: beautifulsoup

web scraping returns an empty list

The problem here that printing job_titles returns an empty list instead of the job titles in the web site please help me fix this problem and any help would be appreciated Answer When I first went to the URL you’re requesting, I was shown a search page with no jobs listed. It was only after I submitted a search that

Python3. How to save downloaded webpages to a specified dir?

I am trying to save all the < a > links within the python homepage into a folder named ‘Downloaded pages’. However after 2 iterations through the for loop I receive the following error: <_io.BufferedWriter name=’Downloaded Pages/’> <_io.BufferedWriter name=’Downloaded Pages/’> Traceback (most recent call last): File “/Users/Lucas/Python/AP book exercise/Web Scraping/”, line 26, in downloadedPage = open(os.path.join(‘Downloaded Pages’, os.path.basename(linkUrlToOpen)),

Map different column values with website context

I have a dataframe like this: What I want is to map the columns values with their description from this site So for example this value EXEC sp_droplogin can be mapped with the description from here so the output will look like this: And the same must be done with the other column values. What is the best

Python Web Scrape Query DIV data-brand

I’m trying to grab a div tag in an html page, but the result is showing an empty list. I’ve provided the code and a picture of the html. The page_text variable is an empty list. Answer You are close to your goal, just add True as value in your dict: As alternative you can go with css selectors and

How to scrape Trusted Shops?

I would appreciate your help on this scraping problem. I would like to scrape this site: Although my code does not give me an error message, I do not see any output. I believe the problem is the bs.find_all statement; basically, I have problems telling the code how to index the user reviews. What is the correct class for

how to remove /n from list results?

Hello everyone I’m scraping a table and separating the headers and the body of the table into separate lists but the body data has a lot of ‘/n’ and I’m trying to remove them but I cant seem to get them out. code: Results: As you can see in the table body results ‘n’ is in the way and I

itterate through multiple URLs with BS4 – and store results into a csv-format

hi there i am currently working on a little tiny sraper – and i am putting some pieces together i have an URL which holds record of so called digital hubs: see i want to export the 700 regords in (to) a csv-format: that is -into a excel-spreadsheet. so far so good: i have made some first experiments –

Multiple errors when scraping premier league tables

I am learning web-scraping. I succeeded scraping top youtubers ranking with this as reference. I am using the same logic to scrape the PL ranking, but having two issues: it is only collecting up to 5th place. it is getting only the first place for the result and then, getting attribute error: Answer The issue is that html.parser doesn’t parse
