The problem here that printing job_titles returns an empty list instead of the job titles in the web site please help me fix this problem and any help would be appreciated Answer When I first went to the URL you’re requesting, I was shown a search page with no jobs listed. It was only after I submitted a search that
Tag: beautifulsoup
Python3. How to save downloaded webpages to a specified dir?
I am trying to save all the < a > links within the python homepage into a folder named ‘Downloaded pages’. However after 2 iterations through the for loop I receive the following error: <_io.BufferedWriter name=’Downloaded Pages/’> <_io.BufferedWriter name=’Downloaded Pages/’> Traceback (most recent call last): File “/Users/Lucas/Python/AP book exercise/Web Scraping/”, line 26, in downloadedPage = open(os.path.join(‘Downloaded Pages’, os.path.basename(linkUrlToOpen)),
Why can’t I extract the other pages of the same website using beautifulsoup
I wrote this code to extract multiple pages of data from this site (base URL – “”). But it’s only showing the first 50 books’ data. How can I extract all fiction books’ names extracting all pages using beautifulsoup? Answer You can make the pagination from fiction category of the books from your base base url, you need to input
Map different column values with website context
I have a dataframe like this: What I want is to map the columns values with their description from this site So for example this value EXEC sp_droplogin can be mapped with the description from here so the output will look like this: And the same must be done with the other column values. What is the best
Python Web Scrape Query DIV data-brand
I’m trying to grab a div tag in an html page, but the result is showing an empty list. I’ve provided the code and a picture of the html. The page_text variable is an empty list. Answer You are close to your goal, just add True as value in your dict: As alternative you can go with css selectors and
How to scrape Trusted Shops?
I would appreciate your help on this scraping problem. I would like to scrape this site: Although my code does not give me an error message, I do not see any output. I believe the problem is the bs.find_all statement; basically, I have problems telling the code how to index the user reviews. What is the correct class for
how to remove /n from list results?
Hello everyone I’m scraping a table and separating the headers and the body of the table into separate lists but the body data has a lot of ‘/n’ and I’m trying to remove them but I cant seem to get them out. code: Results: As you can see in the table body results ‘n’ is in the way and I
itterate through multiple URLs with BS4 – and store results into a csv-format
hi there i am currently working on a little tiny sraper – and i am putting some pieces together i have an URL which holds record of so called digital hubs: see i want to export the 700 regords in (to) a csv-format: that is -into a excel-spreadsheet. so far so good: i have made some first experiments –
Multiple errors when scraping premier league tables
I am learning web-scraping. I succeeded scraping top youtubers ranking with this as reference. I am using the same logic to scrape the PL ranking, but having two issues: it is only collecting up to 5th place. it is getting only the first place for the result and then, getting attribute error: Answer The issue is that html.parser doesn’t parse
How can I scrape data value with BS4?
How do I scrape this data with BS4? I used html.parser without success. My code is: Master data: Answer You can adjust the code as you need