I’m trying to scrap data from this website “https://quranromanurdu.com/chapter/1” , I want only text or content from id-contentpara and return that content in JSON format, this below code gives html content but i want that to convert to JSON. I tried to convert but I’m getting error , please somebody help me to clear this error python code : Error
Tag: beautifulsoup
How to scrape data from html table with python?
I am trying to scrape data from the html tables on this page and export it to a csv. The only success i’ve had is with extracting the headers. I thought the problem might be with the page not fully loading before the data is scraped, hence my use of the the ‘requests_html’ library, but the issue still persists. Here’s
Python Web Scraping – How to Skip Over Missing Entries?
I am working on a project that involves analyzing the text of political emails from this website: https://politicalemails.org/. I am attempting to scrape all the emails using BeautifulSoup and pandas. I have a working chunk right here: The above results in pulling the data I want. However, I want to loop through larger chunks of the emails in this archive.
Appending Dataframe to another dataframe with first row removed
Right now this query creates 14 csv files. What I wanted is, the for loop to remove the first row of column headers and append the data to a dataframe I created outside the for loop. so that I can get it as single csv file. I am using BS and Pandas. Answer This is one way of achieving your
Optimising Python script for scraping to avoid getting blocked/ draining resources
I have a fairly basic Python script that scrapes a property website, and stores the address and price in a csv file. There are over 5000 listings to go through but I find my current code times out after a while (about 2000 listings) and the console shows 302 and CORS policy errors. As you can see I added sleep(randint(1,
Python – Iterate through list of website and scrape data – failing at requests.get
I have a list of items that I scraped from Github. This is sitting in df_actionname [‘ActionName’]. Each [‘ActionName’] can then be converted into a [‘Weblink’] to create a website link. I am trying to loop through each weblink and scrape data from it. My code: My code is failing at ” detailpage= requests.get(URL) ” The error message I am
What is contents in beautifulsoup4 and the number string?
I’m trying a web scraping in bs4 and I don’t know what it is, Pls Someone explain it to me tnx Answer The contents attribute holds a list of child elements of the element. The .string attribute of an element contains the text content for the element. Using this page as an example: output for elem.contents output for elem.contents[1].string
Beautifulsoup how to extract paragraph from this page perfectly? only paragraph
I am unable to get the text inside the p tags i want text of all the p tags, have tried this so far but unable to exact text. i am getting many p tags within my code how to remove those tags ? here is my output Answer Output:
Convert html table to json with BeautifulSoup
I am trying to convert HTML table to json using beautifulsoup() function python, I was able to convert but the data coming in wrong json format. The above code prints JSON in the below format. I would like to get it in below format Some help is appreciated Answer The output you want is not a valid format, so you
Looping through HTML & following links
I am writing a code that is supposed to open a url, identify the 3rd link and repeat this process 3 times (each time with the new url). I wrote a loop (below), but it seems to each time sart over with the original url. Can someone help me fix my code? Answer You need to define the empty list