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Tag: beautifulsoup

how to scrape all items of a page using a loop

i’m trying to scrape and list 24 items from a certain website. instead, it shows the same item 24 times. to get the first price i did this: as said, it does print 24 lines. but instead of listing all the different ones, it just lists the first result (probably because the i = 0). i’m very bad at coding

Web scraping Trulia with Pythons Selenium

I am trying to webscrape the trulia estimate for a given address. Although some addresses do not have a trulia estimate. So I want to first try to find the text ‘Trulia estimate’ and if it is found then I will try to find the value. At the moment I cannot figure out how to find the Trulia Estimate text

How to display hidden html elements using BeautifulSoup?

I’m trying to scrape video from the website. I can find the video link using Chrome DevTools. But when I use BeautifulSoup to get the video link. The link is hidden. Please help modify the code below to get the video link. There is the screenshot of the Chrome DevTools. Basically, I need the ‘src’ of the ‘video’ tag. Please

pandas read_html – no tables found

I am attempting to see if I can read a table of data from, but I am getting a type error for no tables found. (first timer on web scraping too here) There is also another person with a very similar stackoverflow question here with WU table of data, but the solution is a little bit complicated to me.

Scraping Amazon products names

I am trying to gather the first two pages products names on Amazon based on seller name. When I request the page, it has all elements I need ,however, when I use BeautifulSoup – they are not being listed. Here is my code: The links of products are not listed. If the Amazon API gives this information, I am open
