I am trying to get Cases list of COVID-19 positive cases from https://www.worldometers.info/, e.g. this The sample looks like(~line no: 700) : I am using bs4 as: which does scrape the file, but after that I am clueless how to get the data. The list I am looking for is commented with ## I NEED THIS LIST. Kindly help. Answer
Tag: beautifulsoup
Extracting reviews of Android App from Google Play store using Web Scraping method (Python BS4) – index out of range
The issue with the below code is “list index out of range error”. Answer Try: It worked for me!
Web Scraping find not moving on to next item
Usage of this is to sum up all the different kinds of items sold in kijiji and pair them up with a price. But I can’t seem to find anyway to increment what beautiful soup is finding with a class of price, and I’m stuck with the first price. Find_all doesn’t work either as it just prints out the whole
How can I scrape all 1000 novels? ,my code scrapes only 691
url to scrape Genre List for Genre in the Website List for scraped Novels For Loop to loop through navlist to append genre into the genre_list For Loop to loop through the genre_list for loop to loop each novel to get its title, cost, ratings Loop to find novels of a particular rating Writing these novels into my CSV file
How to scrape dataframe after select options from dropdown list?
I want to scrape dataframe from dropdow value with BeautifulSoup. I select the value in both dropdown I submit my selection I get a data table I would like to catch this dataframe with BS. any idea of the process to achieve this? example site: https://coinarbitragebot.com/arbitrage.php thanks Answer You can issue simple POST requests with custom parameters (the parameters you
Taking multiple prices on single page BS4
I’m creating an to help me learn but is also useful to me. I want to be able to parse multiple prices from (https://www.watchfinder.co.uk/search?q=114060&orderby=AgeNewToOld) one page, convert them to numbers and average them. The page will change so it could have 3 prices one day and 20 the next. The part i am struggling with is separating the prices so
Scraping specific ‘dd’ tags with BeautifulSoup and Python
Im learning beautifulsoup and I came a cross one problem. Thats scraping dd tags in html. Check out the picture below, I want to get the parameters that are in the red color zone. The problem is I do not know how to access them. I have tried this: But the problem is that sometimes different pages have different parameters,
How to remove quote (‘) from the my scraped output
How can i get rid of the quotes in the output. I have tried to used .strip(”) but the output does not seem to change. The current output looks like this: [‘ADANIPORTS.NSn’, ‘ASIANPAINT.NS’, ‘AXISBANK.NS’, ‘BAJAJ-AUTO.NS’, ‘BAJFINANCE.NS’, ‘BAJAJFINSV.NS’, ‘BHARTIARTL.NS’, ‘INFRATEL.NS’, ‘BPCL.NS’, ‘CIPLA.NS’, ‘COALINDIA.NS’, ‘DRREDDY.NS’, ‘EICHERMOT.NS’, ‘GAIL.NS’, ‘GRASIM.NS’, ‘HCLTECH.NS’, ‘HDFC.NS’, ‘HDFCBANK.NS’, ‘HEROMOTOCO.NS’, ‘HINDALCO.NS’, ‘HINDUNILVR.NS’, ‘BRITANNIA.NS’, ‘ICICIBANK.NS’, ‘INDUSINDBK.NS’, ‘INFY.NS’, ‘IOC.NS’, ‘ITC.NS’, ‘JSWSTEEL.NS’, ‘KOTAKBANK.NS’,
Web scraping problem during passing fuction as paramater in function
Hello I’ve created two functions that work well well called alone. But when I try to use a for loop with these functions I got a problem with my parameter. First function to search and get link to pass to the second one. Second function to scrape a link. All these function worked when I tested them on a link.
Extract two div tags in one BS find_all
Is it possible to extract two HTML div tags in one “soup.find_all” with beautifulSoup? The divs are repeatedly called “event odd”, “event even” and i want to loop through them all webpage code: My code: concerts = soup.find_all([‘div’, {‘class’: ‘event odd’}, {‘class’: ‘event even’}]) Answer You can use Bitto Bennichan’s suggestion of using {‘class’: ‘event’}. Or, if you must specify