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Tag: auc

How to change plot legends with roc_auc_score?

I’m plotting ROC curve with plot_roc_curve of scikit-learn, that plot legends are printed automatically. Is there a way to change them? Answer You can pretty much add anything you like to the plot object that is produced through plot_roc_curve. For instance, you can do something like this: This will return:

tensorflow: InvalidArgumentError while find the AUC score

I have a dataset with labels 0’s and 1’s, which is binary classification problem. Getting error while try to find AUC score using tf.keras.metrics.AUC() as metrics in model.compile(.. function. Code: If I removed AUC from metrics, the code runs fine. Error: InvalidArgumentError: assertion failed: [predictions must be >= 0] [Condition x >= y did not hold element-wise:] [x (sequential_48/dense_293/BiasAdd:0) =
