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Tag: assert

Is the Python assert message evaluated if the assertion passes

Let’s say I have an assert statement with a computationally heavy error message (e.g. makes several network or database calls). I could also write this code using an if statement: I know the latter option will only evaluate the error message if x != 5. What about the former option? I would assume so but I’m not sure. Answer No,

What is the use of “assert” in Python?

What does assert mean? How is it used? Answer The assert statement exists in almost every programming language. It has two main uses: It helps detect problems early in your program, where the cause is clear, rather than later when some other operation fails. A type error in Python, for example, can go through several layers of code before actually

“assert” statement with or without parentheses

Here are four simple invocations of assert: Note that the last one does not raise an error. What is the difference between calling assert with or without parenthesis that causes this behavior? My practice is to use parenthesis, but the above suggests that I should not. Answer The last assert would have given you a warning (SyntaxWarning: assertion is always
