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Tag: arrays

python) update value of array in dictionary and update it

I want to update ‘array’ inside the dictionary after doing interpolation. for example, “array_ex” is a dictionary and has values like below and ‘0_array’ has (6,100) shape while ‘1_array’ has (6,200) shape… I wrote a function for interpolating the array using np.interp. The function interpolates the shape of array (6,100) to (6,200). However, how can I update my array after

python print array inside the dictionary

I want to print ‘array’ inside the dictionary but my code gives me ‘each value’ of the array. for example, “array_ex” is a dictionary and has values like below with 12 rows for each array… and I want to get each row of the array as a result. However, my code returns each value of the array. How can I

How to get this result when multiplying 1d-array by 2d-array?

I am struggling to figure out, how the output is calculated can you please explain? I have this multiplied by this array : c = np.array([3267. , 3375.9, 3484.8, 3630., 3740.]) the output is: array([1050885., 1068309., 1085733., 1103157., 1120581.]) Answer Grasping at straws because it feels like there’s not enough information to solve this. But, here is one way to

Mongo db array of images change schema

I have an array of images in mongodb and I am trying to change the schema of the array. Right now the images are stored like bellow And the final output I want is like bellow. How can I do this in mongosh? Is it easier to do this as a Python Array and then import back to mongodb? Thank

3d numpy array perform operation along column i only

I have a 3d numpy array like this (as an example) I want to apply the following operations only to elements within the column with index 1 in the inner dimension. The elements are [-2,6,10,14] for the example above. The operations would be: Can someone help me? I have looked into several NumPy methods but can’t seem to adapt to
