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Tag: arrays

Access data in python3 associative arrays

I’d like how to create and print associative arrays in python3… like in bash I do: In bash I can do echo “${array[“beta”,1]}” to access data to print “text2”. How can I define a similar array in python3 and how to access to data in a similar way? I tried some approaches, but none worked. Stuff like this: But I

How to split a 2d numpy array vertically into a new 2d numpy array?

I have this code that essentially splits a two-dimensional numpy array horizontally and makes a new two-dimensional numpy array out of it. Output of my code: How can I do this with less lines of code? I assume it could be very resource intensive, as soon as I apply this example to my larger task. Answer I suppose using numpy.hsplit

Is this a correct python port of a fortran function call

I’m trying to port fortran code to python (call me crazy), and am wondering whether I’m handling the input of a variable to a function in a correct way. note that I’ve read: Fortran77: what does the asterisk (*) means in subroutine argument? How can a scalar be passed to a vector (1D array) to a Fortran subroutine? What is

self.array = nums: what is time complexity for assignment of lists in python?

I was solving Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors (Given two sparse vectors, compute their dot product.) and I got confused about time complexity. For solution: it says in answer that Time complexity: O(n) for both constructing the sparse vector and calculating the dot product. Why time complexity of __init__ is O(n)? I thought that self.array = nums is simple

Convert 2D dataframe to 3D numpy array based on unique ID

I have a dataframe in this format: … though my dataframe is much larger, with more than 500 hundred IDs. I want to convert this 2D – dataframe into a 3D array in this format (num_time_samples, value, ID). Essentially I would like to have one 2D-array for every unique ID. I plan on using the value column to build lag
