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Tag: arrays

One Dataset causes “`IndexError: list index out of range“` while other runs perfectly

My Dataset In numpy array np.shape(data) -> (6989, 4) stats.describe(data) -> DescribeResult(nobs=6989, minmax=(array([0., 0., 0., 0.]), array([ 299.99, 86785. , 10997. , 13222. ])), mean=array([ 12.47994992, 3407.00243239, 27.23293747, 109.72370869]), variance=array([1.42652452e+02, 4.71755188e+07, 6.17027586e+04, 2.92787820e+05]), skewness=array([ 4.27783176, 4.50762479, 31.57678605, 15.68962365]), kurtosis=array([ 58.23586935, 27.33838487, 1163.74537023, 302.6384056 ])) stats.describe(clusterer.labels_) -> DescribeResult(nobs=6989, minmax=(array([0., 0., 0., 0.]), array([ 299.99, 86785. , 10997. , 13222. ])), mean=array([

Sort timestamps into differents arrays from xlsx file

xlsx file (Using python) In the column :’klokkeslett’, i want to transfer the time from 08:00:00 to 10:00:00 to an array. And from 10:00:00 to 12:00:00 in to another array and so on. How can i do that using python(Jupiter notebook). Answer Assuming Jupiter creates a list (going to use the python term for array) of dictionaries containing your data,
