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Tag: argparse

Argument parser object does not contain attribute defined in parser

I am working on a program that works on hyperspectral image super-resolution by using Neural Networks, Now in here the Mains directory of the program contains multiple parsers. The parsers and subparsers seem to have been defined correctly however, upon using the args object, the compiler throws an error saying that the object has no attribute gpus. Though, the test

Python argparse – Detect if list argument is passed without anything afterwards

Let’s say the user types: ./ –create –mem 5 and my parser looks like this: parser.add_argument(‘–create’, nargs=’*’, default=None) Normally –create takes a list with nargs=’*’, however in this case the user passed nothing. What I would like to happen is that –create is set to the default value when invoked, instead I get [] Question: Is there anyway to detect

‘Namespace’ object is not iterable

Attempting to pass an undetermined amount of integers using argparse. When I input: py 3 2 Error Namespace Argument is not iterable I think is is because I am passing an argument that is not of the correct type. After reading through all the documentation I could find I cannot figure out how to make this work. I want

Automation of tasks with argparse Python3

Hi is anyone able to help. I am learning to use argparse and i want to use the command to call the as school start for example. I have this so far but struggling to handle the arguments. Am i doing this right or what am i doing totally wrong? My error is error: the following arguments are

argparse – asks for argument that’s already been given

i’m trying to run my file with the following command: where my argparse code is: my code runs with the command – however, the else block runs regardless of whether the command contains the -p argument or not. would really appreciate help, thanks! Answer Running the command: is equivalent to: In Bash (assuming you’re on a Mac or Linux) the

How to take infinite number of arguments in argparse?

I am making a Python command line tool with argparse that decodes and encodes Morse code. Here is the code: when I type more that one argument after encode or decode it returns this: How will I take more arguments and not just the first word? Answer The shell splits the input into separate strings on space, so sys.argv that
