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Tag: anaconda3

Installed Pytorch 1.12 in the environment but detects version 1.10.0+cpu

Recently, I have installed pytorch 1.12.1 in the conda environment. After installation, I checked the version of pytorch using print(torch.__version__), it returns 1.10.0+cpu. I also checked the available packages in the environment. It shows pytorch version 1.12.1 as shown in figure below. I am unable to understand why it is detecting version 1.10.0+cpu. I even reinstalled Anaconda python in Windows,

Postgredb in conda environment or keep standalone

I am looking for some guidance. I have Anaconda installed to manage my python packages and environments. I see that you can install postgres in the package manager. Am I best to install postgres in the conda environment or install standalone. I am on Windows. I see that if I install postgres separately I get pgadmin graphical interface. This could

No Spyder-Terminal on Spyder 5.0.5 (MacOS)

I tried to install spyder terminal on my spyder. Steps oI followed (in iPython Console): Then: And I get an error message that says: I thought that it was because of the enviroment, so I tried to create a new conda enviroment with the spyder terminal module. I do as follows (in my terminal): Then: And finally: And I get

Using python 3.6 in new Anaconda Environment

I am creating a new anaconda environment(my first) in Anaconda Navigator. The libraries I intend to use require python 3.6 but from the python packages drop-down list(see screenshot below) I’m only seeing python 3.8. How can I install python 3.6 to anaconda so that it appears in the drop-down list? Answer To create an environment from the start To install
