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Tag: aes

Crypto module and Encryption method not working

Basically, my question is divided into two problems, first of all, I am having this problem when I try running this code [code below] and get an error, like this: The second problem is when I enter text, i.e: “My data is here” I got the encrypted text as : “GIdd+zxj8m0nMeh7wmZJ+Q==” but reversing the process in decryption it outputs a

AES encryption between iOS and Python

I have functions to encrypt/decrypt using AES (128 and 256) on both iOS (CCCrypt) and python (pycryptdome). All test cases working on each platform but… when I take an AES key and encrypted string from iOS to python the decryption fails. I have looked extensively and tried various use cases to no avail. I’ve created a simple test case here

AES encrypt in python decrypt in php

I am asking this because I don’t really know php but must to somehow manage with. I have encrypted data in python and need to decrypt in php (serversite). python encryption: this gives ‘rtVabOaDdf528T63xOhhww’ output, which is correctly AES encrypted. and php which encrypts and decrypts in other way: There is some issue with openssl_decrypt() function because of “iv”. Can
