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Tag: 2d

Drawing 2D and 3D contour in the same plot in python

Is it possible to draw 2D and 3D contour plot like this in python. Sorry I couldn’t provide much detail on the plot in terms of mathematical equations and all. Answer Use plot_surface along with contour to project the contour. It is not limited to the Z plane; you can do this to the X and Y planes as well.

python 3d list manipulation

I have a 3d list aa = [[[2, 3, 4, 5], [ 6, 7, 8, 9]], [[11, 12, 14, 15]]], which consists of two 2d lists how do I get this result [[2, 6], [11]] the first element of each sub list. gives [2,6,11] Answer You can do it with a list comprehension: Output:

How do you prevent “unhashable type ‘list'”?

So, I was making a simple 2D game in pygame, and was making the map (following a tutorial video, don’t judge me, I’m new to pygame) and using, and that error showed up in the console. here’s my code for it: if anyone has any suggestions for changing my code, please say, and I am sticking with Answer

fitting closed curve to a set of noisy points

This is my set of data, where I would like to fit a closed curve to, just like this post here is the visualized dataset: However, these are the results I got no matter how I sort my array. I pinned a few problems about my dataset but don’t know how to deal with them: Many x and y values

pygame – How do I change a variable while it is being used?

I’m making a simple top-down game with moving and collision between player and walls, using pygame. I made my code so that when keys[pygame.K_LSHIFT] is True during the pygame.key.get_pressed at the state of the keyboard when it’s called, block_speed changes to 5 instead of 3. So it works and when I hold SHIFT and move with WASD keys at the
