I’m wondering if it’s possible to switch off all Folium tiles that have been added to a Folium Map object. By default one tile should be selected, but could be displayed a blank background?
It’s an option that I thinkg could be useful to enhance the visualization of the entities that have been laid over the tiles.
- you can add tile layers to folium maps
- below code adds a blank tile layer then on my system 26 other candidate base maps
- finally
allows layers to be selected including blank layer
import xyzservices.providers as xyz import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.colors as colors import folium gdf = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_cities")) gdf["Hemisphere"] = gdf["geometry"].apply(lambda x: "Norte" if x.y > 0 else "Sur") # create a map m = gdf.explore( column="Hemisphere", name="Cities", cmap=colors.ListedColormap(["#D94325", "#5CD925"]), tiles=None, ) def filter_provider(p): if p.requires_token(): return False if ( "Stadia" in p.name or "CyclOSM" in p.name or "NASAGIBS" in p.name or "BlackAndWhite" in p.name ): return False if hasattr(p, "variant"): return False if hasattr(p, "ext"): return False if hasattr(p, "status") and p.status == "broken": return False return True # empty tile layer folium.TileLayer("", name="None", attr="blank").add_to(m) # add multiple candidate base layers / tiles to folium map for name, args in xyz.filter(function=filter_provider).flatten().items(): folium.TileLayer(args["url"], name=name, attr=args["attribution"]).add_to(m) # add control to be able to select base map m.add_child(folium.map.LayerControl())