Question is quite straight forward. I have an overdetermined system I am attempting to use SciPy LSQR (or LSMR) to solve. However, I cannot find anywhere in the docs on how to set restraints for the minimization.
E.G. Let’s say this is the output:
The matrix A has 469 rows and 3 columns
damp = 0.00000000000000e+00
atol = 1.00e-06 conlim = 1.00e+08
btol = 1.00e-06 maxiter = 3
itn x(1) norm r norm Ar compatible LS norm A cond A
0 0.00000e+00 1.150e-01 2.291e-02 1.0e+00 1.7e+00
1 3.33741e-01 9.411e-03 5.359e-05 8.2e-02 2.8e-02 2.0e-01 5.0e+00
2 2.73042e-01 8.440e-03 3.281e-06 7.3e-02 1.9e-03 2.0e-01 7.8e+01
3 -1.70218e-01 8.332e-03 3.197e-12 7.2e-02 1.9e-09 2.0e-01 4.1e+02
LSMR finished
The least-squares solution is good enough, given atol
istop = 2 normr = 8.3e-03
normA = 2.0e-01 normAr = 3.2e-12
itn = 3 condA = 4.1e+02
normx = 8.7e-01
3 -1.70218e-01 8.332e-03 3.197e-12
7.2e-02 1.9e-09 2.0e-01 4.1e+02
We can see the solution arrive to -0.1
, which is great. However, I’d like to set bounds such that x(1) >= 0
. Therefore, the iteration would stop when x(1) = 0.27
. I cannot find anywhere on the documentation: regarding how to do this.
Any help would greatly be appreciated!
The functions lsqr
and lsmr
in scipy.sparse.linalg
do not have options for adding constraints. You might be able to use scipy.optimize.lsq_linear