Have a list called summary
containing a corresponding JSON object similar to:
{ # summary[0] "object1": { "json_data": "{json data information}", "tables_data": "TABLES_DATA" }, # summary[1] "object2": { "json_data": "{json data information}", "tables_data": "" } }
Essentially, if "tables_data": ""
is found within the string of a list item, I want the entire list item to be removed.
How would I go about doing this?
You can do a dictionary-comprehension selecting the dictionary item with 'tables_data'
has a value not equals ''
summary = [{ # summary[0] "object1": { "json_data": "{json data information}", "tables_data": "TABLES_DATA" }, # summary[1] "object2": { "json_data": "{json data information}", "tables_data": "" } }] result = [{k: d for k, d in s.items() if d.get('tables_data') != ''} for s in summary] # [{'object1': {'json_data': '{json data information}', 'tables_data': 'TABLES_DATA'}}]