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regex matches string despite negative lookahead

I want to match the first 2 words in a string, except when the second one is “feat”, then I just want to match the first word.

My plan: (w+(?: w+))(?!feat) does not work. “feat” gets matched everytime. I tried variations of the same, but to no avail.

Here’s an example string: “Technotronic feat Ya Kid K”

Thank you for your help!


this is the string where it flips: “Technotronic feat Ya Kid K”

this is the code that should cut the string:




You can use


See the regex demo.

The point is that you need to restrict what the second w+ matches right before the w+ (as lookaheads match the text immediately after the current position), and to allow matching words starting with feat, you need to use a word boundary after feat in the lookahead.

Regex details:

  • w+ – one or more word chars
  • (?:s+(?!featb)w+)? – an optional non-capturing group:
    • s+ – zero or more whitespaces
    • (?!featb) – immediately to the right, there cannot be a whole word feat (so, the subsequent w+ won’t match feat but will match feature)
  • w+ – one or more word chars.

See the Python demo:
