I would really appreciate if someone can help me with this issue.
I have implemented the below code to read “unread emails from gmail inbox”. I need to print “To”, “From”, “Subject”, “Body” and “save attachments in a specified location”
I have 2 issues here.
- If there is any email with attachments, it gives the error
Body: [<email.message.Message object at 0x026D1050>, <email.message.Message object at 0x02776B70>]
. It will print all the required things and saves attachments but DOESN’T print the body.
This works fine if no attachment is included.
- If there is an email body with any styling in it like “bold/italic/underline/colour…etc”, it doesn’t print as it is.
Example : Python is printed as Python=C2=A0i= and sometimes different styling is seperated by “*”.
def get_body(email_message): for payload in email_message.get_payload(): # print('Body:t', payload.get_payload()) break return(payload.get_payload()) def read_email(server,uname,pwd): username = uname password = pwd mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(server) mail.login(username, password) mail.select("inbox") try: result, data = mail.uid('search', None, '(UNSEEN)') inbox_item_list = data[0].split() most_recent = inbox_item_list[-1] result2, email_data = mail.uid('fetch', most_recent, '(RFC822)') raw_email = email_data[0][1].decode("UTF-8") email_message = email.message_from_string(raw_email) for part in email_message.walk(): if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None: continue filename = part.get_filename() att_path = os.path.join(location, filename) if not os.path.isfile(att_path): fp = open(att_path, 'wb') fp.write(part.get_payload(decode=True)) fp.close() print('Downloaded file:', filename) if email_message.is_multipart(): for payload in email_message.get_payload(): print('To:tt', email_message['To']) print('From:t', email_message['From']) print('Subject:', email_message['Subject']) print('Date:t',email_message['Date']) print('Body:t', get_body(email_message)) break else: print('Nothing']) except IndexError: print("No new email") while True: read_email("imap.gmail.com", "s@gmail.com", "spassword") time.sleep(10)
Many thanks
I new to python and this is the complete working code I have done to read unseen emails. You can print the elements according to your requirements. It works for gmail and office 365. This script runs for every 10 seconds. This might also work for other email providers by passing the credentials. Hope this helps.
import email import imaplib import os import html2text import time detach_dir = 'locationWhereYouWantToSaveYourAttachments' def get_body(email_message): for payload in email_message.get_payload(): break return payload.get_payload() def two_way_email(server,uname,pwd): username = uname password = pwd mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(server) mail.login(username, password) mail.select("inbox") try: result, data = mail.uid('search', None, '(UNSEEN)') inbox_item_list = data[0].split() most_recent = inbox_item_list[-1] result2, email_data = mail.uid('fetch', most_recent, '(RFC822)') raw_email = email_data[0][1].decode("UTF-8") email_message = email.message_from_string(raw_email) for part in email_message.walk(): if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None: continue filename = part.get_filename() att_path = os.path.join(detach_dir, filename) if not os.path.isfile(att_path): fp = open(att_path, 'wb') fp.write(part.get_payload(decode=True)) fp.close() print('Downloaded file:', filename) if email_message.is_multipart(): for payload in email_message.get_payload(): print('To:tt', email_message['To']) print('From:t', email_message['From']) print('Subject:', email_message['Subject']) print('Date:t',email_message['Date']) for part in email_message.walk(): if (part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain') and (part.get('Content-Disposition') is None): print('Body:t',part.get_payload()) break else: print('To:tt', email_message['To']) print('From:t', email_message['From']) print('Subject:', email_message['Subject']) print('Date:t', email_message['Date']) print('Thread-Index:t', email_message['Thread-Index']) text = f"{email_message.get_payload(decode=True)}" html = text.replace("b'", "") h = html2text.HTML2Text() h.ignore_links = True output = (h.handle(f'''{html}''').replace("\r\n", "")) output = output.replace("'", "") print(output) except IndexError: print("No new email") while True: two_way_email("outlook.office365.com", "yourOffice365EmailAddressHere", "yourpassword") two_way_email("imap.gmail.com", "yourGmailAddressHere", "yourPassword") time.sleep(10)