I am try subscribe API http://developers.xstore.pro/documentation/
Process how I am doing it.
Login (Ok)
Subscribe some command (Ok)
The data starts coming in (Ok)
After few second (cca 20s) (Fail) on:
File "/Users/luboshajek/.pyenv/versions/3.10.5/lib/python3.10/site-packages/websocket/_socket.py", line 122, in recv raise WebSocketConnectionClosedException( websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: Connection to remote host was lost.
Python or API closes connection :(
inicialize socket:
def inicialize(url): ws = websocket.WebSocket() response = ws.connect(url, receive_limit_ms=1000*3600) return ws
Every 5s I am sending following ping
def ping(): print("Sending ping") ws.send(json.dumps({ "command": "ping", "streamSessionId": sessionId }))
There is a way to open new connection but this approach it’s not optimal.
I probably violated some of validation rules or I worked with api with the wrong way.
Anyway I just use library xapi-node for nodejs and one of the wrapper for other languages.
It solve all my problems.
I hope that this will be helpful for somebody in future.