I have been attempting to SSH tunnel into an EC2 instance and connect to DocumentDB that is located in the same VPC. I’ve tried all of the solutions I could dig up online with no luck. I am using the ssh_pymongo module, which wraps SSHTunnelForwarder. I am able to SSH directly into the EC2 instance and connect to the DocumentDB cluster. I’m trying to achieve this same thing via python.
Example code:
from ssh_pymongo import MongoSession session = MongoSession( host='ec2-x-x-x-x.region.compute.amazonaws.com', port=22, user='ec2-user', # The user ec2-user is specific to EC2 instance OS Amazon Linux 2 key='key.pem', uri='mongodb://<username>:<password>@xxxxx-docdb-cluster.cluster-xxxxxxxxxxxxx.region.docdb.amazonaws.com:27017' ) # Note for the above function call: I've also tried various combinations of the to_host and to_port params without success. db = session.connection['db-name'] print(db.collection_names())
Could not establish connection from local ('', 36267) to remote ('xxxxx-docdb-cluster.cluster-xxxxxxxxxxxx.region.docdb.amazonaws.com', 27017) side of the tunnel: open new channel ssh error: Timeout opening channel.
I also tried the ssh_pymongo module but was unsuccessful. However I tried directly with the sshtunnel module and I was able to query my database.
Here is my code
from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder from pymongo import MongoClient # VM IP/DNS - Will depend on your VM EC2_URL = '''*.*.compute.amazonaws.com''' # Mongo URI Will depende on your DocDB instances DB_URI = '''dbname.*.*.docdb.amazonaws.com''' # DB user and password DB_USER = 'dbuser' DB_PASS = 'dbpassword' # Create the tunnel server = SSHTunnelForwarder( (EC2_URL, 22), ssh_username='ubuntu', # I used an Ubuntu VM, it will be ec2-user for you ssh_pkey='~/.ssh/keypair.pem', # I had to give the full path of the keyfile here remote_bind_address=(DB_URI, 27017), local_bind_address=('', 27017) ) # Start the tunnel server.start() # Connect to Database client = MongoClient( host='', port=27017, username='DB_USER', password='DB_PASS' ) # Close the tunnel once you are done server.stop()