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Python – Dynamics CRM Web API – SuppressDuplicateDetection Not working

I am running into an issue with the ability to Suppress Duplicate Detection in the Dynamics CRM API. I am qualifying leads and the Duplicate Detection is getting triggered on some of the leads. I have some logic to decide if we want to suppress the so on certain leads I want to bypass that detection.

What is happening is it is not working when in the request headers I set the MSCRM.SuppressDuplicateDetection: true and it will still not qualify the lead.

Here is my full code:


The result I get is:

<Response [412]> ‘{“error”:{“code”:”0x80040333″,”message”:”A record was not created or updated because a duplicate of the current record already exists.”}}’

If anyone has solved this before I would greatly appreciate any help!



From documentation, I see that adding MSCRM.SuppressDuplicateDetection in request header works for CREATE and UPDATE request.

For QualifyLead action – this may be little different. Instead of adding request header – you may need to include in payload like explained in this blog.
