I am not proficient in Python but I have written a python code that executes a stored procedure (SQL server) which within it contains multiple stored procedures therefore it usually takes 5 mins or so to run on SSMS.
I can see the stored procedure runs halfway through without error when I run the Python code which makes me think that somehow it needs more time to execute when coding in python.
I found other posts where people suggested subprocess but I don’t know how to code this. Below is an example of a (not mine) python code to execute the stored procedure.
mydb_lock = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};'
mycursor_lock = mydb_lock.cursor()
sql_nodes = "Exec IVRP_Nodes"
How can I edit the above code to use the subprocess? Is the subprocess the right choice? Any other method you can suggest?
Many thanks.
Python 2.7 and 3 SQL Server
UPDATE 04/04/2022:
@AlwaysLearning, I tried
NEWcnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER='+server+';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password+';Connection Timeout=0')
But there was no change. What I noticed is that to check how much of the code it executes, I inserted the following two lines of code right after each other somewhere in the nested procedure where I thought the SP stopped.
INSERT INTO CheckTable (OrgID,Stage,Created) VALUES(@OrgID,2.5331,getdate())
INSERT INTO CheckTable (OrgID,Stage,Created) VALUES(@OrgID,2.5332,getdate())
Only the first query is completed. I use Azure DB if that helps.
UPDATE 05/04/2022:
I tried what @AlwaysLearning suggested, after my connection, I added, NEWconxn.timeout=4000
and it’s working now
I tried what @AlwaysLearning suggested, after my connection, I added, NEWconxn.timeout=4000 and it’s working now. Many thanks.