I have made at fasstapi at https://lectio-fastapi.herokuapp.com/docs#/
from fastapi import FastAPI from starlette.responses import JSONResponse from . import lectio app = FastAPI() @app.get("/") def read_root(): return {'msg': 'welcome to the lectio-fastapi', 'success': True} @app.post("/school_ids/{lectio_school_name}") def get_school_id(lectio_school_name: str): json_object = lectio.lectio_search_webpage_for_schools(lectio_school_name) return JSONResponse(content=json_object) @app.post("/message_send/{lectio_school_id, lectio_user, lectio_password}") def test_login(lectio_school_id: int, lectio_user: str, lectio_password: str): browser = lectio.get_webdriver() lectio_login_result = lectio.lectio_login(lectio_school_id, lectio_user, lectio_password, browser) return lectio_login_result @app.get("/message_send/") def send_msg(): return {'msg': 'message_send function for lectio', 'success': True} @app.post("/message_send/{lectio_school_id, lectio_user, lectio_password, send_to, subject, msg, msg_can_be_replied}") def send_msg(lectio_school_id: int, lectio_user: str, lectio_password: str, send_to :str, subject: str, msg: str, msg_can_be_replied: bool): browser = lectio.get_webdriver() lectio_login_result = lectio.lectio_login(lectio_school_id, lectio_user, lectio_password,browser) if lectio_login_result['success']: lectio_send_msg_result = lectio.lectio_send_msg(send_to, subject, msg, msg_can_be_replied, lectio_school_id, browser) return lectio_send_msg_result else: return {'msg': 'Login failed, wrong username, password and school_id combination ', 'success': False} def main(): pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()
When I test on the fastapi site it works like a charm.
But when I try to access it from another python program i get 405 when posting
import requests from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict API_ENDPOINT = "https://lectio-fastapi.herokuapp.com/" #link to fastapi def lectio_root(): url = API_ENDPOINT print(url) headers = CaseInsensitiveDict() headers["accept"] = "application/json" headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers) print(resp.text) return resp def lectio_send_msg(lectio_school_id: int, lectio_user: str, lectio_password: str, send_to :str, subject: str, msg: str, msg_can_be_replied: bool): url = API_ENDPOINT+"message_send/" print(url) headers = CaseInsensitiveDict() headers["accept"] = "application/json" headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" payload = '{"lectio_school_id": ' + str(lectio_school_id) + ', "lectio_user": ' + lectio_user + ', "lectio_password": ' + lectio_password + ', "send_to": ' + send_to + ', "subject": ' + subject + ', "msg": ' + msg + ', "msg_can_be_replied": ' + str(msg_can_be_replied) + '}' resp_get = requests.get(url, headers=headers) resp_post = requests.post(url, data=payload, headers=headers) print(resp_get.text) print(resp_get) print(resp_post.text) return resp_post def main(): lectio_school_id = 235 lectio_user = 'test_user' lectio_password = 'test_password' send_to = 'Mr test' subject = 'test subject' msg = 'test msg' msg_can_be_replied = False print(lectio_root()) print(lectio_send_msg(lectio_school_id, lectio_user, lectio_password, send_to, subject, msg, msg_can_be_replied)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
the output I am getting is:
https://lectio-fastapi.herokuapp.com/ {"msg":"welcome to the lectio-fastapi","success":true} <Response [200]> https://lectio-fastapi.herokuapp.com/message_send/ {"msg":"message_send function for lectio","success":true} <Response [200]> {"detail":"Method Not Allowed"} <Response [405]>
And I am expecting to get these returns:
{'success': True} {'msg': 'Login failed, wrong username, password and school_id combination ', 'success': False}
It seems like to me I need to define something more in FastAPI to get my post function to work. But not sure what is missing.
First, you need to change request in the lectio_root
resp = requests.post(url, data=payload, headers=headers)
resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
because, in your app, read_root function have GET request, not POST.
Second, you need to change send_msg decorator
@app.get("/message_send/{lectio_school_id, lectio_user, lectio_password, send_to, subject, msg, msg_can_be_replied}")
@app.post("/message_send/{lectio_school_id, lectio_user, lectio_password, send_to, subject, msg, msg_can_be_replied}")
because, inside lectio_send_msg function you are sending POST request.