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Pydantic created at and updated at fields

I’m new to using Pydantic and I’m using it to set up the models for FastAPI to integrate with my postgres database. I want to make a model that has an updated_at and created_at field which store the last datetime the model was updated and the datetime the model was created. I figured created_at could be something like this:


How would I do an updated_at so it updates the datetime automatically every time the model is updated?



You can use a validator which will update the field updated_at each time when some other data in the model will change. The root_validator and the validate_assignment config attribute are what you are looking for.

This is the sample code:


and the output:


You can see that there is a difference in microseconds after object creation. If this is a problem you can set:
updated_at: Optional[datetime] = None
and modify the validator like this:


and the new output:

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