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Parsing html using Selenium – class name contains spaces

I’m trying to parse some html using Selenium. The problem is that it raises error in case the class name contains spaces.

Here is the tag I’m searching for: <p class="p0 ng-binding">text</p>

I’ve tried these two options:

result.find_element_by_class_name('departure').find_element_by_css_selector('p.p0 ng-binding').text 

result.find_element_by_class_name('departure').find_element_by_class_name('p0 ng-binding').text 

>>> selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException: Message: The given selector p0 ng-binding is either invalid or does not result in a WebElement. The following error occurred:
InvalidSelectorError: Compound class names not permitted

Could anybody give me a hint?



The p element has two classes: p0 and ng-binding.

Try this selector:

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