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Pandas: Setting no. of max rows

I have a problem viewing the following DataFrame:

n = 100
foo = DataFrame(index=range(n))
foo['floats'] = np.random.randn(n)

The problem is that it does not print all rows per default in ipython notebook, but I have to slice to view the resulting rows. Even the following option does not change the output:

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)

Does anyone know how to display the whole array?



Set display.max_rows:

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)

For older versions of pandas (<=0.11.0) you need to change both display.height and display.max_rows.

pd.set_option('display.height', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)

See also pd.describe_option('display').

You can set an option only temporarily for this one time like this:

from IPython.display import display
with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 100, 'display.max_columns', 10):
    display(df) #need display to show the dataframe when using with in jupyter
    #some pandas stuff

You can also reset an option back to its default value like this:


And reset all of them back:

