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Save the name of an image from a url

I need to find a way to get the image name of any given image from a url. For example, in “…/images/foo.png”, the image name is “foo.png”. Is there a way to read this url and save just the name of the image up until the “/”? Thanks! Answer You can just use split:

Which unicode characters can be used in python3 scripts?

Some unicode characters can be used to name variables, functions, etc. without any problems, e.g. α. Other unicode characters raise an error, e.g. ∇. Which unicode characters can be used to form valid expressions in python? Which unicode characters will raise a SyntaxError? And, is there a reasonable means of including unicode characters that raise errors in python scripts? I

How To Dynamically Use User Input for Jira Python

So I am trying to make an interactive method of pulling out Jira information, based on a Jira Key. Full Code: The main thing that is breaking is this: For some odd reason, it doesn’t like the way I am using user input for jira_key even though it will print out what I want if I use print(jira_key) Am I

How to run a script if a user SSHs into an non-existent user?

I have a Python script that creates a new user and configures it, I want this to be ran anytime a user SSHs into the server but the username isn’t a valid one, how could I do this? Answer That is an incredibly bad idea. How would they learn what password you assigned? Consider how easy it would be to

Transforming JSON with XSLT using SaxonEE and Python

I am attempting to write a Python script that transforms JSON to a text file (CSV) with XSLT. With saxon-ee-10.5.jar, I can successfully perform the desired transformation by running the following command (Windows 10): How can I achieve the same result by using Python? I have been trying with Saxon-EE/C, but I am not sure if what I want to

PySpark not able to move file from local to HDFS

I am running hadoop in my local machine on port 8020. My name nodes exist under path /usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/hdfs/tmp/dfs/name. I have setup a pySpark project using Conda env and installed pyspark and hdfs3 dependencies. The following is my code: I am trying to copy the file from my local file system to HDFS but I am getting the following error: But
