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How do I filter multi-level columns using notnull() in pandas?

I generate a multi-index dataframe that has some NAN values using this: Which will create something like this: I’d like to get rows of a specific subset of top-level columns (eg df[[‘baz’,’qux’]]) that have no nulls. For example in df[[‘baz’,’qux’]] I’d like to get rows 0 and 1 since they both have all nulls in 3. Hoping things would just

Summing duplicates rows

I have a database with more than 300 duplicates that look like this: I want that for each duplicate shipment_id only original_cost gets added together and rates remain as they are. like for these duplicates: it should look something like this: is there any way to do this? Answer Group by the duplicate values ([‘shipment_id’, ‘rate’]) and use transform on

Pivot and merge two pandas dataframes

I have two dataframes (taken from pd.to_clipboard(), suggest using pd.read_clipboard()) df_a: and df_b: What I am looking to do is add a third column to df_a, say ThirdVal, which contains the value in df_b where the DateField and Team align. My issue is that df_b is transposed and formatted awry compared to df_a. I have looked into pd.pivot() but have

Numpy matrix creation timing oddity

My application requires a starting matrix where each column is staggered-by-1 from the previous. It will contain millions of complex numbers representing a signal, but a small example is: I tried two creation methods, one fast, one slow. I don’t understand why the fast matrix creation method causes subsequent calculations to run slowly, while the slow matrix creation results in

TypeError while executing Binary tree code

I am getting an error while testing the following function. Can anybody help me with this? code: Here’s the test script: And here’s the error I am getting: Please let me know why is this happening? Answer As your largest_leaf_value will return None in its recursion base case, you need to be ready for lres or rres to get None
