I have a dataframe and I’m doing tons (20+) of calculations creating new columns etc. All the calculations work well, including the calculation in question except for 2 rows out of roughly 1,000. The rows are not adjacent to one another and I can’t find anything remarkable about these two specific rows the calculation seems to be skipping. The data
Colorbar and its range shared between two plots
I adapted this code (https://stackoverflow.com/a/73099652/2369957) that demonstrates how to share a colorbar and its range for two plots, but it doesn’t seem to work when the range of the two plots are different – in the case of the posted code, the plots have the same range (half-open interval [0.0, 1.0)). I generated two plots with different ranges and the
Single “=” after dependency version specifier in setup.py
I’m looking at a setup.py with this syntax: I understand the idea of the “>=” where h5py should be at least version 2.9, but I cannot for the life of me understand the =mpi* afterwards. Is it saying the version should somehow match the mpi version, while also being at least 2.9? I can’t find anything that explains specifying python
Add a character to a specific duplicate string
I’m trying to add a character to a specific duplicate string, like in the following situation: nomes_comp = [‘Fulano A’, ‘Beltrano B’, ‘Fulano A’] So I have duplicate items on my list; I would like to add another character in one of the duplicate items, hoping to get the following output: nomes_comp = [‘Fulano A’, ‘Beltrano B’, ‘Fulano A1’] I’m
Looping through Python Dict and Normalising
I have multiple dict in a list and I want loop through each dict and flatten the file. When I run this code its giving me the ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable error. And the custom fields in the below json will be having many other fields as well Project_details list will be consisting of info like this And My
Iterating through a list with dataclasses, and checking if an element matches the inputted int?
I”m having a bit of trouble with my code. I’m trying to get the IDs from the list and compare it to an int input. If the int is the same as the ID, it’ll print(“Yes”). If it doesn’t match an ID, it’ll print(“no”). Problem is, it’s printing no for even the numbers that should return yes to.. I’m toying
How to find the smallest threshold from one list to fit another list
I have two lists of marks for the same set of students. For example: If I accept only students above a threshold according to list A then I can look up their marks in list B. For example, if I only accept students with at least a mark of 80 from list A then their marks in list B are
for Loop over a list fuzzy match printing out match score
I have a question about a fuzzy match. Here is the function I am trying to write: How do I use a for loop (or other solution) over a list and append matching scores to dataset? Expected output: tried to for loop on a list Answer
JAX: Passing a dictionary rather than arg nums to identify variables for autodifferentiation
I want to use JAX as a vehicle for gradient descent; however, I have a moderately large number of parameters and would prefer to pass them as a dictionary f(func, dict) rather than f(func, x1, …xn). So instead of Something more like Is this possible? EDIT: This is my current work around solution: The gist is that now I don’t
How to parse this particular console output and make csv?
I need to process console output which looks like this and make a csv from it: I have managed to split lines but regex is not working for tabs and spaces. Can someone point me in the right direction? The code I am using is this: Answer The regular expression can be handy here, make a mask, and then take