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Pandas: Assign Datetime object to time intervals

I’m trying to create a new variable in which datetime64[ns] objects are assigned to 5 minute intervals. The new interval variable should span every 5 minute period from 00:00 to 23:55. The criteria for assignment is whether the time of the datetime64[ns] object falls within the corresponding 5 min interval. My actual data has numerous dates in the DateTime variable,

nan in interp1d scipy

I have the following code that I am working on in python with interp1d and it seems that the output of the interp1d times the query points outputs the beginning values of array as NaN. Why? The first 20 values in WdB are : The following is the same outputted in maltab for the first 20 values: How can I

asyncio: Wait for event from other thread

I’m designing an application in Python which should access a machine to perform some (lengthy) tasks. The asyncio module seems to be a good choice for everything that is network-related, but now I need to access the serial port for one specific component. I’ve implemented kind of an abstraction layer for the actual serial port stuff, but can’t figure out

How do I list the files inside a python wheel?

I’m poking around the various options to for including non-python files, and they’re somewhat less than intuitive. I’d like to be able to check the package generated by bdist_wheel to see what’s actually in it–not so much to make sure that it will work (that’s what tests are for) but to see the effects of the options I’ve set.

How to stop an infinite loop safely in Python?

I’ve got a script that runs an infinite loop and adds things to a database and does things that I can’t just stop halfway through, so I can’t just press Ctrl+C and stop it. I want to be able to somehow stop a while loop, but let it finish it’s last iteration before it stops. Let me clarify: My code

Python save arbitrarily nested list to CSV

I have a list that is composed of strings, integers, and floats, and nested lists of strings, integer, and floats. Here is an example I want each item of the list written to a line in a CSV file. So, given the above data, the file would look like this: There are lots of resources about how to write a
