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Kernel dies when processing DataFrame

I’ve been able to get this to execute once but since then the kernel just hangs and then dies. Any help would be appreciated.

[Dataframe head]


new_companies_df['Total Raised']= new_companies_df['Total Raised'].str.replace('$','')

#Program ref source:

#Initialize values dictionary
val_dict = {"M": 1000000, "B": 100000000,'K':1000,'None': 0}

result = []

for x in new_companies_df['Total Raised']:
 for key in val_dict:
        if key in value:
            # conversion of dictionary keys to values
            val = (x.replace(key, "")) * val_dict[key]

new_companies_df['Total Raised ($)'] = result




You might want to consider using .apply() function from pandas directly with a custom function or a lambda expression. Something like this

def replace(x):
  val_dict = {"M": 1000000, "B": 100000000,'K':1000,'None': 0}

  for key in val_dict:
    if key in x:
      value = float(x.replace(key, ""))  # converting to float is important
      multiplier = float(val_dict[key])
      return value * multiplier

new_companies_df['Total Raised ($)']  = new_companies_df['Total Raised'].apply(replace)

I do not see any conversion to float. I suspect that your kernel died because you are multiplying strings with a large number which can get very nasty results. For example

"1" * 10 # this produces -> "1111111111"
1 * 10 # this produces -> 10
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