I’m pretty new to Python and have recently learned about classes. I’ve been experimenting around with them and have come up with a student/course grading system. Here’s the code so far:
class course:
def __init__(self, name, room, max_students):
self.name = name
self.room = room
self.max_students = max_students
self.student_list = []
course.TOTAL_COURSES += 1
def addStudent(self, student):
# Checks if the class is below max capacity
if len(self.student_list) < self.max_students:
# Adds the course to the student's course list
return True
return False
So this creates a course class, which I can add students to and set their rooms and other stuff. I’ve got another class, which is intended to store information on students:
class student:
def __init__(self, name, age, gender):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
# Courses in course_list are stored as objects
self.course_list = []
student.TOTAL_STUDENTS += 1
Pretty simple; I’ve just been stuck on how to create the actual grading system. If I were to do:
s1 = student("Tom", 17, "Male")
c1 = course("English", "E123", 25)
Would it be possible to then use “nested attributes”? So I’d assign that student’s grade of a course to a value like:
s1.c1.grade = "A+"
This however doesn’t work, and throws an (expected) AttributeError. So would I have to use my previously created course_list?
s1.course_list[0].grade = "A+"
Even then I’m not sure how I’d assign grade to that course object.
Here’s a solution that addresses some of the above issues by assigning a “course slot” to a student, rather than the course itself. As you might imagine, there is a limit to the number of course slots available which depends on the course max size. The code can be developed a lot further, but I thought this could be good to get you started:
class Student:
def __init__(self, name, age, gender):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
self.courses = {}
def addCourse(self, course):
if course.status=='Enrolled':
self.courses[course.name] = course
self.courses[course.name] = course.status
class Course:
def __init__(self, name, room, max_students):
self.name = name
self.room = room
self.max_students = max_students
self.student_list = []
self.course_slots_filled = 0
self.course_slots_available = max_students
def __str__(self):
return 'Course_object_{}'.format(self.name)
def check_slots_available(self):
if self.course_slots_filled < self.max_students:
return True
return False
class CourseSlot:
def __init__(self, name, student_name, status):
self.name = name
self.student_name = student_name
self.status = status
self.grade = 'No grade assigned'
def __repr__(self):
return 'CourseSlot_object_{}'.format(self.name)
def set_grade(self, grade):
self.grade = grade
def assign_course_slot(self, student_name):
if self.check_slots_available():
status = 'Enrolled'
print('Sorry, {} class is full! {} not enrolled.'.format(self.name, student_name))
status = 'Not enrolled'
return self.CourseSlot(self.name, student_name, status)
Example usage
Instantiate courses:
physics = Course('Physics','101',5)
chemistry = Course('Chemistry','102',1)
Instantiate student 1 and assign a course slot:
s1 = Student("Tom", 17, "Male")
[v for v in s1.courses.values()]
# >>> [CourseSlot_object_Physics, CourseSlot_object_Chemistry]
Instantiate student 2 and assign a course slot
s2 = Student("Susan", 18, "Female")
#>>> Sorry, Chemistry class is full! Susan not enrolled.
Get course info:
print('Physics course slots filled: ',physics.course_slots_filled)
print('Physics course slots available: ',physics.course_slots_available)
print('Chemistry course slots filled: ',chemistry.course_slots_filled)
print('Chemistry course slots available: ',chemistry.course_slots_available)
#>>> Physics course slots filled: 2
# Physics course slots available: 3
# Chemistry course slots filled: 1
# Chemistry course slots available: 0
print('Physics student list: ',physics.student_list)
print('Chemistry student list: ',chemistry.student_list)
# >>> Physics student list: ['Tom', 'Susan']
# Chemistry student list: ['Tom']
for s in [s1,s2]:
for c in s.courses.values():
print('{} {} grade: {}'.format(s.name, c.name, c.grade))
except AttributeError:
# >>> Tom Physics grade: A+
# Tom Chemistry grade: No grade assigned
# Susan Physics grade: No grade assigned
I guess the cheat is that the course student_list
only gets the name of the student and not the Student object, which could probably work if you pass it a unique ID and then iterate through a list of Student objects to match on ID. Something to think about anyway.