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Incorrect password string gets entered by send_keys in selenium python

Somehow send_keys enters repeat password or string other than mentioned password leading login failure.
Tried adding explicit wait(), driver.clear() but does not work.
Here is a sample code in Python –

Approach 1 –


Here instead of “xyz” probably “xyzxyzxyzx” string gets added to the password field(cannot decode as password gets masked).

Please suggest.

Approach 2

Also, another try with below code somehow concatenates username to the password while entering password.


This snippet results into –

Username as “test”
Password as “testxyz”

Expected output is:

Username as “test”
Password as “xyz”



Sometimes it auto fills the last input. I get around it by just adding “Keys.BACK_SPACE*20” into the send keys brackets


you will also need to import the Keys library:

from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

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