I am using Python 3.5. I have several csv files:
The csv files are named according to a fixed structure. They have a fixed prefix (always the same) plus a varying filename part:
099_2019_01_01_filename1.csv 099_2019_01_01_filename2.csv
My original csv files look like this:
filename1-Streetname filename1-ZIPCODE TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT Street1 2012932 Street2 3023923 filename2-Name filename2-Phone TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT Name1 2012932 Name2 3023923
I am manipulating these files using the following code (I am reading the csv files from a source folder and writing them to a destination folder. I am skipping certain rows as I do not want to include this information):
I cut off the TEXT rows, as I do not need them:
import csv skiprows = (1,2,3,4,5,6) for file in os.listdir(sourcefolder): with open(os.path.join(sourcefolder,file)) as fp_in: reader = csv.reader(fp_in, delimiter=';') rows = [row for i, row in enumerate(reader) if i not in skiprows] with open(os.path.join(destinationfolder,file), 'w', newline='') as fp_out: writer = csv.writer(fp_out) writer.writerows(rows)
(this code works) gives
filename1-Streetname filename1-ZIPCODE Street1 2012932 Street2 3023923 filename2-Name filename2-Phone Name1 2012932 Name2 3023923
The first row contains the header. In the header names there is always the filename (however without the 099_2019_01_01_ prefix) plus a “-“. The filename ending .csv is missing. I want to remove this “filename-” for each csv file.
The core part now is to get the first row and only for this row to perform a replace. I need to cut off the prefix and the .csv and then perform a general replace. The first replace could be something like this:
- Either I could start with a function to cut off the first n signs, as the length is fixed or
- According to this solution just use
As I have Python 3.5 I cannot use removeprefix so I try to just simple replace it.
Then I need to remove the .csv which is easy:
I put this together and I get (string.replace("099_2019_01_01_","")).replace(".csv","")
. (Plus at the end the “-” needs to be removed too, see in the code below). I am not sure if this works.
My main problem is now for this csv import code that I do not know how I can manipulate only the first row when reading/writing the csv. So I want to replace this only in the first row. I tried something like this:
import csv skiprows = (1,2,3,4,5,6) for file in os.listdir(sourcefolder): with open(os.path.join(sourcefolder,file)) as fp_in: reader = csv.reader(fp_in, delimiter=';') rows = [row for i, row in enumerate(reader) if i not in skiprows] with open(os.path.join(destinationfolder,file), 'w', newline='') as fp_out: writer = csv.writer(fp_out) rows[0].replace((file.replace("099_2019_01_01_","")).replace(".csv","")+"-","") writer.writerows(rows)
This gives an error as the idea with rows[0] is not working. How can I do this?
(I am not sure if I should try to include this replacing in the code or to put it into a second code which runs after the first code. However, then I would read and write csv files again I assume. So I think it would be most efficient to implement it into this code. Otherwise I need to open and change and save every file again. However, if it is not possible to include it into this code I would be also fine with a code which runs stand-alone and just does the replacing assuming the csv file have the rows 0 as header and then the data comes.)
Please note that I do want to go this way with csv and not use pandas.
EDIT: At the end the csv files should look like this:
Streetname ZIPCode Street1 9999 Street2 9848 Name Phone Name1 23421 Name2 23232
Try by replacing this:
By this in your code:
x=file.replace('099_2019_01_01_','').replace('.csv', '') rows[0]=[i.replace(x+'-', '') for i in rows[0]]