I see there are a few similar questions already asked, but none seem to solve my problem. Also, some offer deprecated solutions such as using coordinate.
The code I have works fine, but because I start the loop at a certain position, every time I re-run the code, it obviously starts writing from that one position. I’m looking for the most pythonic and up-to-date solution to this.
Thanks in advance for your time and help.
import openpyxl roster = openpyxl.load_workbook('Path/To/File/roster.xlsx') sheet = roster.active counter = 7 while counter < 1000: counter +=1 fname = input("Enter first name: ").capitalize().strip() lname = input("Enter last name: ").capitalize().strip() grade = int(input("Enter grade: ")) attendance = int(input("Enter atendance: ")) for row in sheet.rows: sheet[f'A{counter}'] = f'{counter}' sheet[f'B{counter}'] = fname sheet[f'C{counter}'] = lname sheet[f'D{counter}'] = grade sheet[f'E{counter}'] = attendance roster.save('Path/To/File/roster.xlsx')
You can use max_row
and append from openpyxl.worksheet.
counter = sheet.max_row while counter < 1000: fname = input("Enter first name: ").capitalize().strip() lname = input("Enter last name: ").capitalize().strip() grade = int(input("Enter grade: ")) attendance = int(input("Enter atendance: ")) sheet.append([counter, fname, lname, grade, attendance]) counter += 1